Dream Pot is an online decentralized lottery based on blockchain technology.

Dream Pot is an online decentralized lottery based on blockchain technology.

What is that

Dream Pot dreampot is an online decentralized lottery based on blockchain technology. All processes are governed by smart contracts without regard to human factors.

The lottery is open and its integrity is ensured by the Ethereum network itself. The total prize amount may be $ 1,000,000,000, which is probably the biggest prize in lottery history.

DreamPot is

lottery players with Internet access as a reference to the table field with victory wins, using link work, using maintenance options to provide various customs in the payment system as the initial entry into the business field and preparing complementary tasks. to win with prizes for collections in wallet-specific personal accounts.

Dream Pot gives lottery players the chance to win with a higher prize because they cancel the requirements with a draw with returns with a regular period of 10 minutes to 1 hour, when the session enters the table and wins with the same number or match at the time of submission. As a rally with users, users, users, users, drivers, drivers, riders, riders, riders, games, games, games, games, games, POT DREAMS from the driver.

Algorithm for issuing budgets by drawing ORACLIZE systems to provide results that match matches that win for victory, with the appropriate choice to receive new tickets for a position with offers that are in accordance with the proposals from the developer of Dream Pot.

now functions like a dream lottery

The main lottery mechanism is a decentralized platform based on blockchain technology and uses smart contracts to collect and distribute funds. The winning ticket number is determined randomly, correct randomization is provided by Oraclize technology.

The Oraclize system has a random number generation for gambling architecture, which allows smart contracts to get random numbers from reliable sources without relying on anything from the data operator.

This winning numerical model offers a higher guarantee of honesty mathematically, because proof of authenticity is open (and third parties can be verified). The solution developed by Oraclize shows that the data extracted from the original data source is original and intact. This is achieved by accompanying the data returned with a document called proof of authenticity.

Thus, the number of generations of dreampot.io is based on unique and autonomous formulas that cannot be manipulated. Mechanisms embedded in smart contracts exclude the possibility of influencing lottery managers to them. Neither the winning number nor the lottery ticket can be faked.

1 billion Super Jackpot Prizes

It is possible for players to work extensively with cumulative presentations to achieve a minimum number with a nominal amount compared to the US $ 1 billion indicator as a presentation with the total number of player applications with the POT DREAM platform.

The time limit exceeds the time specified in accordance with the schedule by playing the POT DREAM lottery table, which can be accessed according to what is presented with one of the links in the picture, provided that according to the schedule according to the schedule according to the schedule in accordance with the schedule according to the schedule according to the schedule according to the planned schedule. Profits are determined and supplemented by collecting funds that will be collected from wallet accounts in their personal accounts that have developer services.

risk of user notification
Users understand and accept the risks associated with lotteries, such as:


Users understand and agree that the Ethereum concept underlying the Ethereum block chain is still in the early stages of development and is not proven, so there is no guarantee that the process will not be interrupted or error-free, and why the risks inherent in software can contain weaknesses, vulnerabilities or errors that cause, inter alia, the loss of ETH and / or tokens.


Users understand and agree that blockchain technology allows for new forms of interaction and that it is possible that some jurisdictions will apply existing rules or introduce new rules for blockchain-based applications that might violate the rules. Today


The user understands and agrees that in the event of loss or theft of any password, the cryptocurrency generated related to the user account or password cannot be recovered and can be lost forever.


Users understand and accept that, like other cryptocurrency, the blockchain used for Ethereum experiences mining attacks and hacker attacks.

Users also understand that the Dream Pot DP will not replace ETH purchases under any circumstances, therefore the User bears the exclusive risk of buying ETH through our Website.

Funds received from ticket sales will be distributed to the prize pool as follows:

a Hourly Lottery - 40%
b. Daily Lottery - 10%
with. Weekly Lottery - 5%
e Monthly Lottery - 5%.
Annual Lottery - 5%.
E Super Jackpot - 15%.
Commission - 20% of

Further info see below

my: wa2y

ETH : 0x3Cf80F5f2409Cda89c8B85013f266CAC4Da00B10


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