how are you all friends? Today I will tell you about a unique project. Magnus is designed to define the universe of robotics and AI automation for organizations. It is also the first Dual Token Robotics and AI ICO in the world, built on two platforms - Ethereum, and NEO. Magnus is a network of intelligent agents, robots, sensors, equipment, and the first decentralized person that truly creates a global market of knowledge, skills and computing power.

Magnus started a new era of business, technology, and thought. The Magnus Era brings with it fundamental changes in how intelligent systems are built and interacted with each other. Magnus's main goal is to make people smarter, better machines, cheaper and faster robots, and better AI by providing collaboration with other agents on the Magnus Collective network.
In addition, Magnus will have its own independent bot agent ("Sentry Bots"), which ensures the absence of an outside agent on Magnus's network. Sentry Bots will use whitelist and blacklist to maintain network reputation and efficiency.
Magnus Collective is a complex structure that tries to solve four complex and important tasks at the same time:

  • creation of robotics center, AI, IOT, Human, and a very useful cloud system.
  • accelerate the development and use of robotics, which will lead to a maintenance economy in which individuals and organizations can hire robot services using Magnus Token.
  • creating and conducting open exchanges between the various organizations that developed rapidly in the last decade in BlockChain, Ai, robotics, and cloud computing.
  • creating a network effect of goodwill and progress in the team, which will lead to accelerated technological progress and economic development when Magnus Collective reaches its milestone.

Information about ICO and Token:

Token: MGS
Platform: Ethereum
Standard: ERC20
Quantity: 118,200,000 MGS
Price: 1 MGS = 0.66 USD

Soft cap: 1,000 ETH
Hard cap: 30.000 ETH

Quantity: for sales
Starting: 05.02.2018
Settlement: 28.02.2018
up to 3,000 ETH 40%

Quantity: 59.100.000 MGS
Started: 30.04.2018
Resolution: 30.06.2018
up to 3,000 ETH 40%


Blockchain / architecture: smart contract ERC 20, Magnus alpha prototype, IPFS adapter
Prototype: SDK ingen paired with blockchain.
Robotics and AI: prototype object recognition mechanisms have been created. Stanford ROS is partially integrated with Magnus Collective
Projects and partners: Pilots work with corporate partners, including Nokia, Siemens, Ascension, Pfizer, Sanofi
Blockchain / architecture: Management model, rank and reputation system, Aragon Protocol and IPFS alpha
Prototype: The full version of concept evidence implemented during the Vulcan release.
Robotics and AI: The full version of the Proof of System concept applied during the Vulcan release
Projects and partners: A corporate partnership must strengthen its attractiveness and gain momentum
December 2018 MAGNUS CLINGON
Blockchain / architecture: System interaction in beta
Prototypes: The full version of the proof of concept participants that was implemented during the Vulcan release.
Robotics and AI: Third-party robots and SDK platforms must integrate with the platform
Projects and partners: Third party robot platforms to buy together
Blockchain / architecture: Portal to be developed for the most popular platforms
Prototype: the beginning of the engagement ecosystem
Robotics and AI: all versions of Magnus Robotics and AI platforms in the final version
Projects and partners: health, retail and hospitality platforms.
December 2020 MAGNUS KAZON
Blockchain / architecture: Unity for the final status entry
Prototype: Multiple deployment of working prototypes used in the ecosystem
Robotics and AI: An autonomous trade in the skills and behaviors of third parties in the team should be aired
Projects and partners: Industrial and life use of the system
December 2021 MAGNUS OCAMPA
Blockchain / architecture: Portal that works
Prototypes: prototypes in final form and commercialization for starters
Robotics and AI: Full portal integration, including all platforms in the market
Projects and partners: Clarify partnerships and turn them into profitable franchises
December 2022 MAGNUS AXANAR
Blockchain / architecture: Portal in the final form of unity
Prototype: all prototypes in final form
Robotics and AI: All platforms in final form and platform
Projects and partners: all partnerships are online and platform fully operational.

Arshad Hisham
Founder / CEO

Eric Suitable
Executive Advisors and Investors

Mark Koops
Executive Advisors and Investors

Michael Messele
ICO Advisor

Rajeev Krishnan

Anant Patil

more info please visit the site:

Publisher: Wa2y

Eth : 0x26c9797CCb45C63D9fb43f8df9bf8Fedd48Dd933


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